Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"the medium is the message"

This is one of my favorite concepts from the class because it makes you look at media forms differently. For example, when a person reads an article in a magazine like Newsweek they know that the article was written by a fairly reputable reporter. However, if a person reads an article in a magazine like the Inquirer that person should know not to take what they read too seriously. Therefore, it's probably a good idea if a person analyzes the medium the message is being sent out on before analyzing the actual message.

This idea can be applied to some of the media news coverages there is. For example, a news media like FoxNews is more conservative so many of the stories they cover will be from a conservatives point of view. This also means that this news station will only do stories that people who are conservatives think are important. It will ignore all others. Therefore, if a person sees a story on FoxNews they must know the source and analyze the message from this perspective. It was much easier to have a broader definition of what a medium is. It was easier to place all news television stations under one category. Now many of them are created for a specific demographic. This makes analyzing mediums much more complicated because now a person muct consider which point of view the news station is covering.

the thing I enjoyed the most

I enjoyed the hands on experience we were able to get. The cultural paper and the journal made me look at communication and at things in ways I would of never thought of on my own. It's one thing to read about it but it's another thing to actually get a chance to study how it works out in 'the real world'. I helped give context to some of the terms we learned.

What I enjoyed least about this class was in direct contradiction with another thing I enjoyed about the class. I enjoyed how I didn't have a class meeting to go to. Working on my own was enjoyable but I did miss the person-to-person interaction that comes from a classroom setting. Perhaps it's because it's what I have been used to for so long. However, taking my classes online does give me the flexibility to be able to find a job and not have to worry about it interfering with my school schedule.

I don't think I would change anything about the class. I wasn't too excited about doing the cultural paper, but once I did it I was very happy with the results. I learned some important lessons that are going to help me in my personal life and not just in my academics.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Without Words

I found nonverbal coommunication to be the most interesting concept for me mostly because I had never thought of it being as relevant as the book explains it. The journal assigment made me pay attention to the way we communicate without using words. I found this communication to be important because it shows how people form close relationships through communicating. This doesn't necessarily have to be using words. When I studied people for the assignment I realized that nonverbal communication is something that brings people closer together. For this reason, I think that it's an imprtant subject to study. It allows us to see the benefits of strong communication first hand.
There are other forms of communication that don't look important but actually are. For example, people use many signs to explain what they are thinking without using words. Even though, that sign may mean something else in a different country they are still used by a wide variety of poeple to signal the same thing. Everyone in the US knows that putting your index finger to your mouth means you want that person to be quiet. This helps form communication bonds. People use language to communicate. People use nonverbal communication for the same reason.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

the games we play

I think if you're in a good relationship the games you play will benefit both people. If this is the case, you both won't mind playing because you know how it will end. When there is always one winner and one loser is when the relationship can become a burden. In this case, neither player is too eager to play since they know the outcome will not satisfy either one. I think strong relationships do involve some kind of game playing. It's the outcome that determines whether or not the game is worth playing. If the game is worth playing both people become willing participants. This strengthens their rekationship and helps people get closer to each other.

The way that communication is not a game is that in a game there is typically only one winner and one loser. If it's a game then it's better to think of yourselves as a team that is working to achieve the same goal. This will make playing the game easier.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Our Holidays

One of the ways we use communication to"build worlds" is by celebrating the holidays listed on every calendar. Without being told, people gather every fourth Thursday in November to celebrate Thanksgiving. Everyone knows that on this day they have to cook and eat turkey. The same can be said about a holiday like Memorial Day. Both these holidays have a set structure on how we celebrate them. Other countries also have holidays that help distinguish them. For example, instead of Halloween people in Mexico celebrate something called "the day of the dead". It's similar to Halloween but celebrated a little differently. If you looked over every country I'm certain you will find at least one holiday that's not celebrated in the United States. This is one way we "build worlds" through communication.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mixed Methods

A concept from chapter thirteen that I found interesting is the idea of triangulation. The book defines it as, "the process of approaching a research question from multiple perspectives." (375) This shows how a researcher isn't confined to only one method. For example, a researcher may conduct a survey in order to justify the results obtained during an experiment. This allows the researcher to use a wide variety of tools in order to conduct their research.

Friday, July 30, 2010

The problem with using ethnography as your research method may make you feel like a liar and might cause you to hurt someone. When you go 'undercover' to do the research there is the possibility that you will end up forming close relationships with people. If they found out that it was all for an experiment they will probably not be too happy about that.
One possible solution is to find an informant who can help you gain information about the people in the area you are researching. Doing this would eliminate the need to go undercover. Playing an overt role may not work because as the book mentions, "when people know they are being watched, they may try to impress the observer." (379) This is the reason why finding an alternate way (such as using an informant) to gather information may be the best solution.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

research methods

I find experimental research to be the most interesting. In this type of research a variable is manipulated in order to study the effects that variable has on certain subjects. I find this research interesting because it seems to use tools that are used in scientific research. This makes it easier for me to accept the results as credible.
If I was to study deception one possible research question would be, "what function does deception serve for people who choose to use it". I would use the ethnography approach in trying to answer this question. Using this method would allow me to study people in natural settings. This would allow their lies to come out naturally instead of knowing that they are being studied and ironically, making their lies up.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

the downward flow of information

It has been my experience that sometimes messages don't travel the way the should in the work place. The book mentions that employees hardly get to see the person who is handing them the message. This makes it easier for the message to change once it reaches the intended person's hand. A company is often a very busy place. This makes it difficult for a manager to personally hand the message to an employee. This leaves a lot of room for errors to occur.
One thing managers can do in order to improve the downward flow of information is to make sure they choose the correct medium and carfeully analyze what it is that they want to convey to the employee. If a manager wants an employee to know something right away then it's not wise for the manager to send the employee an email. It will also save time if the manager carefully went over the message before he or she sent it out. This would allow the manager to see any flaws in the message. It's true that a manger is very busy, but these are steps that need to be taken if a company's information is to flow accurately and without any problems. Having another person read the message in front of the mnager may also help. Since the message will probbaly not be handed to the employee by the manger, it's important that they make sure it's accurate. Some mangers may not see that there is problem with the message and this is when having another person read the message before it's sent out will help.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

One example of how the type of medium that is used also determines what type of messages will be sent out is how the President is shown on television. The President usually needs congress' permission to do just about anything, yet, the way television presents the President gives off the impression that the President is the face of the country. Therefore, the medium that is used to convey a message will also determine how and which messages are sent.
McLuhan's idea that television is a 'cool' medium comes from the fact that television sends us multiple messages that we must process. Audiences are required to use their cognitive thinking to try and make sense of it. McLuhan believes that only people who are 'cool' can be successful television audience members. According to McLuhan, if a person isn't 'cool' enough that person may need to listen to a radio instead. It makes sense that the form in which messages are sent to us also determines what messages will be sent out.

Monday, July 19, 2010

I have had a few relationships online and one main difference is that it seems easier to create n intimate relationship with someone online because it's easier for you to communicate. When most of us have trouble speaking about something to someone we write them a letter. When you're communicating with someone in cyberspace it's like you're constantly writting letters to one another. However, unlike the post office your letter arrives right away. This keeps the moment from passing before your letter arrives.
Another thing I enjoy about cyberspace is that you can communicate with people you would never get a chance to talk to, otherwise. You can talk to someone across the country or even in a different country. The book states, "one of the most important characteristics of electronic communication is that it allows us to transcend space and time." (169) This allows us to create even bigger communities that can communicate with one another.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tuckman's five-stage model

I found Tuckman's model interesting because it made me think of all the group work I have done at school. It's strange because you don't really think about it when you are going through the process but his model sounds about right. For example, once things have settled down the group usually moves on to the performing stage. This is when all the work gets done. This stage comes right after the norming stage, which is just the way it sounds. This is when you begin to form a functioning group. The last stage is the adjourning stage. This is when your group usually talks about the things they remember about working on the project together. This model is important because it serves as a guide to illustrate how people work together in a cohesive manner.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Trying to find Miss Right

I agree with Duck's attraction filters. I think we all go through basically the same processes when determining who we want to try and get closer to. I put some emphasis on physical beauty but there has to be more than that if a relationship is to last. I have talked to girls who were physically attractive but there really wasn't much else going on. I remember this one girl who was attractive and a single mom. However, she came across as being a bad mother and this was a turn-off for me. We also didn't have much in common. She thought most of the stuff I liked was weird and I didn't even tell her half of it. It goes to show that it takes more than physical beauty in order for a relationship to work. Physical beauty can be a starting point but once your interaction and cognitive cues come into play things change dramatically. Now the real attraction between you two can be seen. Physical beauty can only take a relationship so far. I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule but this is the norm.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

the way we think

I believe that competeitive symmetry and submissive symmetry would be the hardest to change simply because each partner is holding on to control of the situation. There is no compromise in these types of situations because each partner wants the upper hand. The book explains that submissive symmetry is confusing because: "Although both partners ostensibly avoid control, each does his or her best to control the other by forcing the other to make the decision." (148) However, this does seem less damaging than competitive symmetry because both partners want to be in charge to a greater extent in this situation. They don't think to compromise and this is why competitive symmetry is the most damaging, not only to a relationship, but also to the individuals self-esteem. They may begin to feel unworthy because of the way they are treated by their partner who is always trying to have control. The book says that: "Learning how to share the one-up and one-down positions gives a couple the flexibility they need to adapt to changing circumstances." (149) This means that by comprmising partners will make their relationship stronger.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

the shock that can come from culture

I was wacthing a special on some local channel here where I live and they showed a place in Hong Kong where people cook cats and dogs. It showed a man cooking in a huge urn. He lifts what's inside with a pair of huge pliers to reveal that what he is cooking is a full grown cat. He places it on a mat and begins to pull off the remainding fur. To the average American this can be seen as being cruel to animals. We were taught that cats and dogs are our pets and not for consumption. However, in Hong Kong it's a normal part of theri diet. The program can be seen as a perfect example of what culture shock is. I was shocked and grossed out by the footage, but teh more I think about it the more I realize I was looking at it from only my point of view. I'm sure there are numerous things about my culture that bother people from China so I guess it even out in the end.

This is just one example of how what's is perfectly normal in one culture can be seen as inappropriate or even gross in another. However, in order for us to be able to communicate interculturally we must not assume that all cultures are the same. This can minimize our culture shock when we come across things that are out of the norm for us.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

people are different

Education is an instiution that practices all three concepts. In school, we are taught what is right and what is wrong. We are also expected to study and pass tests or we risk failing. Parents also always tell their children to go to college or to do well in school. This can be seen as the mutuability premise since it's believed by most people that education and physical excercise is good for the mind and body. This might be why we have physical education classes as part of our school cirriculums.

Religion also uses all three concepts. Most religions believe that people are generally good. They also believe that people are rational and as a result will want to do what is in their best interest. Some religions even ask a person to 'fast' or go without eating for a while or ask people not to eat a certain food or drink a certain beverage. This is done with the hope of putting the person in the best physical and mental state possible.

The only reason I don't believe in the premises is because it is my belief that some people are just bad and actually look to harm other people. It also doesn't take into account the numerous of people who suffer from mental illnesses. In these cases, it would be hard for the premises to be applied. However, for the most part they are important concepts that help develop strong healthy individuals. For this reason, I think they need to remain in our society.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Culture Barriers

I agree with the idea that, "creatures of our culture". I am reminded of this every Thanksgiving. My culture overlaps in that I tend to celebarte both Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July, but I also have customs from my hispanic culture. It's important to remember that cultures are not biological. As the book states, "cultures are learned". If people kept this in mind maybe people from other cultures wouldn't seem so foreign. If people have open minds when dealing with other cultures then it's likely that there will be no misunderstandings, which leads to people being offended.
People must not have ethnocentrism. This is another thing that can cause people to remain in their comfort zones and continue to view people from other cultures as outsiders. It's also important to keep in mind that cultures have different standards for how people can behave. The book uses the example of the girl who moved to Iran with her husband. She was just doing what is normal and acceptable in her culture. However, once it's taken out of that culture and placed inside another one, things can change dramatically. Instead of being a women who is walking down the street in normal summer attire, she is now seen as a prostitute. This scenario shows how important it is to be able to understand and learn other cultures.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

communicating without words

Nonverbal communication is important because it allows us to communicate in a way that doesn't require for everyone to speak the same language. Simple gestures can let a person know exactlty how we are feeling at that moment. Something as simple as smiling can let a person know that we are happy. This type of communication is important because it's the first one people learn when they are toddlers. It doesn't go away with age and actually gets more sophisticated and complicated as we get older. This new sophistication and complication opens the door for misunderstandings. The book explains: "One of the problems of defining nonverbal communication is deciding what counts as a nonverbal message and what does not" (108). This means that a person's smile might be misinterpreted by someone else who thinks they are making romantic advances towards them. Despite this dilema it's hard to picture a world without nonverbal communication. In fact, one might argue that if we stopped using nonverbal communication, then we have also stopped communicating in gemeral.

The book also explains that nonverbal communication, "is both universal and cultural" (111). This illustrates the importance of this type of communication. If toddlers of different races were put together in a playpen they would still be able to communicate through nonverbal communication. This also shows how important it is in creating a bridge between all the different cultures in the world.

Friday, June 25, 2010

men and women

The book states: “It is therefore useful to keep in mind that we are much more similar than we are different” (94). However, it’s hard not to argue that sometimes women and men do use language differently. Women call things cute. A man only says this when he is joking around. Any other time he would get strange looks from the people around him. I myself would feel weird using the word “cute”. If I think something is amusing then I just say, “that’s funny.” The quote makes sense in that men and women probably find most of the same things to be cute, but they just use different words to express it.

The same thing can also said about anger and profanity. Men and women use different words to express anger. There are certain words in profanity that you only hear men say and words that you only hear women say. However, they are both trying to express anger they just do it differently. One thing may separte us, but another thing keeps us kind of united.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


The only way judging can be avoided is for people to get to know people of different cultures. People are taught to be individuals and this makes it hard for people to be able to relate to other people. Judgments usually come from ignorance. Getting to know people from other cultures will get rid of stereotypes by presenting a person with a completely different view of the one he or she may have had. One thing many people make the mistake of doing is categorizing everyone teh same way. They see one person of one specific ethnicity do something and now that person thinks everyone from that same ethnic background will do the same thing. The more examples that person knows of that specific ethnic background, the greater chance that stereotype for him or her will be destroyed.

I believe that even positive stereotypes can have a negative effect in the long run. It may seem like a compliment to that person at that time, but what has it really accomplished? This just creates more ignorance by allowing something that isn't true pass on as fact. The person who has that steroetype may one day come across a person who doesn't fit their mold. This is the danger of classifying people under one category. Since people are taught to be individulas then it makes sense that people should judge other people on an indivudual basis and not as a group.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010



This is my first semester in the Communications department, although, I have taken online classes in the past. I took a couple of history classes and enjoyed how online classes allow you the freedom to work independently. I wouldn't recommend them to someone trying to go back to school after a long time off. However, they are perfect if you are disciplined enough and need the flexible schedule.

I enjoy movies and to write. I am actually looking forward to the movie project we have to do because it will give me a chance to apply the things I have learned in the class. What better way to do that than with a great movie?